EP21 / Gloomy nature / Reference pack
This pack is featuring 113 photos and 10 panoramas of gloomy and sullen nature environment (bare trees and dried grass, hills and rocks, canyons, meadows and rivers) in overcast lighting during autumn and winter and depicting Eastern Europe based depressive post-apocalypse atmosphere similar to Stalker or Metro 2033 set. It was gathered to be used as a source for concept art, illustration and matte painting. For personal and commercial usage.
Images Preview and Panoramas Preview
Details and Features:
Photos are 4608 x 3072 px;
Chromatic aberrations and lens distortion was removed;
- Original metadata, where you can find focal length and technical info;
- JPG files are 8-bit and converted from the original raw files;
- 12-bit DNG files are available on demand.
For questions and suggestions:
Photos count
1.06 GB
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